The Mole
In this intriguing game show, participants collaborate to tackle a series of challenging physical and mental tasks, each with a monetary reward. However, among them is a secret “Mole” or saboteur, whose mission is to undermine the group’s success while keeping their identity hidden. At the conclusion of each episode, the contestants take a quiz to determine who knows the least about The Mole. The player with the least knowledge is promptly eliminated. In the final episode, The Mole’s identity is unveiled, and the last remaining contestant claims the grand prize, which can be as much as $1,000,000.
Views: 28
Genre: Reality
Director: Bart De Pauw, Michel Vanhove, Michiel Devlieger, Tom Lenaerts
Studio: Stone and Company Entertainment, Stone Stanley Entertainment
Creators: Derrick Speight, Jill Dickerson, Sandi Johnson
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 1 win & 2 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2001
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 6.8
Country: Belgium, United States of America
Networks: ABC
Starring: Jon Kelley