The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart
In this 2023 drama directed by Glendyn Ivin, the story follows a young girl named Alice Hart who, after a tragic event, is sent to live with her grandmother on a flower farm. As Alice grows up, she uncovers dark family secrets and learns about the power of resilience and love. The film features standout performances from Sigourney Weaver and Alycia Debnam-Carey. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 49
Director: Glendyn Ivin, Sarah Lambert
Studio: Amazon Studios, Endeavor Content, Fifth Season, Made Up Stories
Awards: 5 wins & 21 nominations
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2023
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 82%
Metacritic: 66
FilmAffinity: 6.9
Networks: Prime Video
Starring: Alexander England, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Alyla Browne, Asher Keddie, Charlie Vickers, Frankie Adams, Jack LaTorre, Leah Purcell, Sebastián Zurita, Sigourney Weaver, Tilda Cobham-Hervey