The Kidnapping Day
In this 2023 thriller directed by Kim Je-young, a desperate father finds himself entangled in a high-stakes kidnapping plot that spirals out of control. The film stars notable actors who deliver gripping performances, adding depth to the intense narrative. With its intricate storyline and unexpected twists, it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Interestingly, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery
Director: Kim Je-young, Park Yoo-young
Studio: AStory, KT Studio Genie
Awards: 1 win
Starring: Choi Eun-woo, Go Ha, Jeon Gwang-jin, Jeon Kwang-jin, Jeon Yu-na, Kang Yeong-seok, Kang Young-suk, Kim Sang-ho, Kim Shin-rock, Park Sung-hoon, Seo Jae-hee, Yoon Kye-sang