The Jack and Triumph Show
The series stars Jack McBrayer as a fictionalized version of himself, portraying a former child actor from a Lassie-esque show. Alongside him is Triumph, the dog who led a life of excess and dragged Jack along for the ride. After 15 years, Jack has finally managed to rebuild his life, only for Triumph to reappear and disrupt his newfound stability. This live-action series is the brainchild of Robert S. Smigel, Michael Koman, and David Feldman.
Views: 21
Genre: Comedy
Director: David Feldman, Michael Koman, Robert Smigel
Studio: Poochie Doochie Productions, Universal Television, W.D.M. Productions
TV Status: Canceled
30minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
Metacritic: 58
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim
Starring: Jack McBrayer, Robert Smigel