The Gilded Age
Set in 1882 during the height of the Gilded Age, the story follows Marian Brook, a young woman who has lost her parents and is the daughter of a Southern general. She relocates to New York City to live with her strict and traditional aunts. With the assistance of Peggy Scott, an African-American woman who pretends to be her maid, Marian becomes entangled in the glamorous world of her wealthy neighbors. She faces the challenge of choosing between conforming to societal expectations or creating her own destiny.
Views: 166
Genre: Drama
Director: Julian Fellowes
Studio: HBO, Neamo Film and Television, Universal Television
Creators: Julian Fellowes
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 4 wins & 48 nominations total
Starring: Ben Ahlers, Blake Ritson, Carrie Coon, Christine Baranski, Cynthia Nixon, Denée Benton, Harry Richardson, Jack Gilpin, Louisa Jacobson, Morgan Spector, Simon Jones, Taissa Farmiga, Thomas Cocquerel