The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” is a U.S. sitcom that was broadcast on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The series features Will Smith playing a fictionalized version of himself, portraying a savvy teenager from West Philadelphia. He relocates to live with his affluent aunt and uncle in their luxurious Bel Air home, where his streetwise ways frequently conflict with the more refined lifestyle of his relatives. The show ran for six seasons, totaling 148 episodes.
Views: 169
Director: Andy Borowitz, Susan Borowitz
Studio: NBC Productions, Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment, The Stuffed Dog Company
Creators: Andy Borowitz, Susan Borowitz
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy, 16 wins & 32 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 1990
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Metacritic: 59
FilmAffinity: 7.0
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Alfonso Ribeiro, Daphne Maxwell Reid, James Avery, Joseph Marcell, Karyn Parsons, Ross Bagley, Tatyana Ali, Will Smith