The Flower in Prison
Set in the Joseon Dynasty, this historical drama follows the life of a young woman born in prison who grows up to become a skilled and resourceful individual. The narrative intricately weaves themes of justice, love, and survival as she navigates the complexities of her society. The series stars Jin Se-yeon and Go Soo, delivering compelling performances that bring the story to life. Directed by Lee Byung-hoon, known for his work in historical dramas, this series can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Starring: Choi Tae-joon, Go Soo, Jeong Jun-ho, Jin Se-yeon, Jun Kwang-ryul, Jun-ho Jeong, Jung Da-bin, Jung Eun-pyo, Jung Joon-ho, Kim Mi-sook, Park Joo-mi, Yoon Joo-hee