The Exterminators
“Billy the Exterminator” is a scripted reality TV series from the United States, broadcast on the A&E network. The show centers around Billy Bretherton, a pest control specialist and owner of Vexcon Animal and Pest Control, located in Benton, Louisiana, which caters to the Shreveport-Bossier City area. Bretherton, who previously served as a Senior Airman in the U.S. Air Force, was also featured on the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs” in the episodes “Vexcon” from season 1 and “Termite Controller” from season 2. Known for his distinctive fashion sense, Bretherton often wears black clothing adorned with large silver jewelry and various steel studs and spikes.
The series frequently includes appearances by Bretherton’s family members, such as his parents, “Big” Bill and Donnie, and his brother, Ricky, along with other staff members. Donnie typically handles dispatch duties for Vexcon and seldom participates in fieldwork. Ricky’s former wife, Pam, left the show during its first season.
Throughout the series, Billy Bretherton often emphasizes his preference for relocating animals whenever feasible and advocates for natural pest control methods. He regularly provides information about the pests, their habitats, and any related diseases. Ricky Bretherton developed an allergy to bee and wasp stings after being stung numerous times.
TV Status: Returning Series
30minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 9.4
Country: United States of America
Networks: A&E
Starring: Billy Bretherton, Donnie Bretherton, Mary Bretherton, Rick Bretherton