The Curse of Oak Island
“The Curse of Oak Island” chronicles the journey of Marty and Rick Lagina, siblings hailing from Kingsford, Michigan, as they embark on a quest to unearth a rumored but still elusive treasure thought to be hidden through remarkable methods on Oak Island. Their intrigue with the island was sparked by an article in the January 1965 issue of Reader’s Digest, which detailed the Restall family’s attempts to unravel the enigma of the infamous “Money Pit.”
Views: 54
Genre: Action & Adventure, Documentary, Mystery, Reality
Director: Kevin Burns
Studio: Prometheus Entertainment
TV Status: Returning Series
43minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 7.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 61%
Country: United States of America
Networks: History
Starring: Gary Drayton, Marty Lagina, Rick Lagina, Robert Clotworthy