The Beautiful Lie
Set in contemporary Australia, this drama series reimagines Tolstoy’s classic “Anna Karenina” through the lens of modern relationships and societal expectations. The story follows Anna Ivin, played by Sarah Snook, as she navigates the complexities of love, fidelity, and family. The series also stars Rodger Corser and Celia Pacquola, adding depth to the ensemble cast. Directed by Glendyn Ivin, the show has been praised for its compelling performances and intricate storytelling. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 62
Genre: Drama
Director: Alice Bell, Imogen Banks, John Edwards
Studio: Endemol, EndemolShine Australia, Southern Star
Awards: 3 wins & 10 nominations
Starring: Alexander England, Benedict Samuel, Celia Pacquola, Daniel Henshall, Gina Riley, Marlon Williams, Robert Menzies, Rodger Corser, Sarah Snook, Sophie Lowe