The Ark
Set in a dystopian future, this Dean Devlin-directed film follows the harrowing journey of a group of survivors aboard a spaceship as they search for a new habitable planet. The ensemble cast, featuring notable performances from Christie Burke and Richard Fleeshman, brings depth to a story filled with tension and unexpected twists. While the film has not yet garnered any major awards, its compelling narrative and visual effects have been widely discussed. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 39
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Dean Devlin
Studio: Balkanic Media, Electric Entertainment
Awards: 1 nomination
Starring: Christie Burke, Christina Wolfe, Pavle Jerinić, Reece Ritchie, Richard Fleeshman, Ryan Adams, Shalini Peiris, Stacey Read, Tiana Upcheva