That Peter Kay Thing
“That Peter Kay Thing” is a collection of six mockumentaries that aired on Channel 4 in January 1999. The series is set in and around Bolton and explores the lives of various characters, with Peter Kay featuring prominently in each episode. The show is characterized by Kay’s fondness for nostalgic comedy and lead characters who are often unsympathetic. Andrew Sachs provided the narration for the series. Many of the storylines draw inspiration from real events in Kay’s life. At least six characters from this series reappear in the spin-off, “Peter Kay’s Phoenix Nights.”
Views: 123
Genre: Comedy
Director: Peter Kay
Studio: Channel 4 Television, Open Mike Productions
Creators: Andrew Gillman, Gareth Hughes, Neil Fitzmaurice
Awards: 1 win
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2000
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 5.8
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4
Starring: Andrew Sachs, Jo Enright, Mark Jackson, Neil Fitzmaurice, Paddy McGuinness, Peter Kay, Steve Edge, Ted Robbins, Toby Foster