Team Umizoomi
“Team Umizoomi” is an animated fantasy musical series designed to teach preschoolers fundamental mathematical concepts, including counting, sequences, shapes, patterns, measurements, and comparisons. The show features a team of tiny superheroes: Milli, Geo, and a friendly robot named Bot, who interact with the child watching the show, referred to as their “Umifriend.” They encourage the child to develop their “Mighty Math Powers!” The adventures typically unfold in and around Umi City, a vibrant place with streets adorned in origami-inspired designs.
In the United States, “Team Umizoomi” is broadcast on both Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon, and it is also available for purchase on iTunes. The series premiered on January 25, 2010.
Views: 23
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Jennifer Twomey, Michael Smith, Soo Kyung Kim
Studio: Curious Pictures, Nickelodeon Productions
Awards: 1 nomination
TV Status: Returning Series
24minRelease: 2010
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 7.7
FilmAffinity: 4.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: NickelodeonNick Jr.
Starring: Chris Phillips, Donovan Patton, Ethan Kempner, Jason Harris, Juan Mirt, Madeleine Yen, PT Walkley, Sophia Fox