Take Two
Sam Swift, once the beloved lead of a popular police drama, experiences a highly publicized meltdown that lands her in rehab. Eager to revive her career, she convinces solitary private detective Eddie Valetik to let her tag along as part of her preparation for a possible return to acting. Despite Eddie’s initial reluctance to play chaperone, the vivacious Sam leverages her on-screen cop training to become an unexpectedly useful partner.
Views: 40
Director: Andrew W. Marlowe, Terri Edda Miller
Studio: ABC Studios, StudioCanal, Tandem Communications
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations
TV Status: Canceled
42minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 67%
Metacritic: 53
Country: United States of America
Networks: ABC
Starring: Alice Lee, Aliyah O'Brien, Eddie Cibrian, Rachel Bilson, Xavier de Guzman