“Squidbillies” is an animated TV series that follows the lives of the Cuylers, a destitute family of anthropomorphic hillbilly squids residing in the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia. Produced by Williams Street Studios for Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim block, the show debuted on October 16, 2005. The series is penned by Dave Willis, co-creator of “Aqua Teen Hunger Force,” and Jim Fortier, formerly of “The Brak Show,” both of whom also contributed to the Adult Swim series “Space Ghost Coast to Coast.” The animation is crafted by Awesome Incorporated, with background designs by Ben Prisk.
TV Status: Ended
11minRelease: 2004
IMDb: 6.7
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 78%
Metacritic: 6.6
FilmAffinity: 5.4
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim
Starring: Bobby Ellerbee, Dana Snyder, Daniel McDevitt, Dave Willis, Elizabeth Cook, Jason Isbell, Patricia French, Todd Hanson, Tracy Morgan