Sonic Boom
In this comedy-adventure series, the fast-paced blue hedgehog returns with a fresh appearance, teaming up with his trusty sidekick Tails and friends Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks. Together, they strive to thwart the nefarious schemes of the world-conquering Dr. Eggman. Sonic frequently clashes with Eggman’s minions, which include the devoted robots Orbot and Cubot, malevolent interns, and colossal robotic beasts.
Views: 133
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: OuiDO! Productions, SEGA of America, Technicolor Animation
Awards: 3 wins & 9 nominations
TV Status: Ended
11minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 74%
FilmAffinity: 5.0
Country: France, United States of America
Networks: Cartoon NetworkBoomerang, Cartoon NetworkBoomerangGulliCanal J
Starring: Bill Freiberger, Cindy Robinson, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, Kirk Thornton, Mike Pollock, Nika Futterman, Roger Craig Smith, Travis Willingham, Wally Wingert