So Random!
“So Random!” is a musical sketch comedy show from Disney Channel that debuted on June 5, 2011. It emerged as a standalone series following Demi Lovato’s departure from its predecessor, “Sonny with a Chance.” The show stars the original cast members from “Sonny with a Chance,” excluding Lovato, including Tiffany Thornton, Sterling Knight, Brandon Mychal Smith, Doug Brochu, and Allisyn Ashley Arm, along with other recurring actors. The series premiere attracted an audience of 4.1 million viewers. On May 2, 2012, Tiffany Thornton revealed that the show would not be returning for a second season.
Views: 23
Director: Steve Marmel
Studio: It's a Laugh Productions, Varsity Pictures
Creators: Michael Feldman, Steve Marmel
Awards: 3 nominations
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 4.5
TMDb: 7.0
FilmAffinity: 2.7
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Allisyn Ashley Arm, Allisyn Snyder, Brandon Mychal Smith, Damien C. Haas, Doug Brochu, Matthew Scott Montgomery, Shayne Topp, Sterling Knight, Tiffany Thornton