So Help Me Todd
In this 2022 film directed by Scott Prendergast, the story revolves around a down-on-his-luck private investigator who reluctantly teams up with his overbearing mother, a successful attorney, to solve a complex case. The movie features standout performances from its lead actors, including Marcia Gay Harden and Skylar Astin. With its blend of humor and drama, the film explores themes of family dynamics and redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
TV Status: Canceled
45minRelease: 2022
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
Metacritic: 51
Networks: CBS, CBSParamount+
Starring: Inga Schlingmann, Madeline Wise, Marcia Gay Harden, Rosa Arredondo, Skylar Astin, Tristen J. Winger