Set in a dystopian future, this 2023 film directed by Graham Yost explores the lives of a community living in a massive underground silo, isolated from the outside world due to a toxic environment. The plot delves into the intricate social dynamics and the mysteries surrounding their confinement, as the inhabitants grapple with the truth about their existence. The movie features a stellar cast, including Rebecca Ferguson and Tim Robbins, delivering compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 609
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Graham Yost
Studio: AMC Studios, Apple Studios, Mimir Films, Nemo Films, Nemofilms
Awards: Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys, 4 wins & 20 nominations total
Starring: Avi Nash, Chinaza Uche, Common, Harriet Walter, Rebecca Ferguson, Rick Gomez, Tim Robbins