Shoot the Messenger
The series centers on Daisy Channing, an ambitious young journalist juggling a chaotic personal life and a promising career. Her world takes a dramatic turn when she becomes a witness to a murder she initially believes is linked to gang activity. However, she soon finds herself entangled in a complex network of crime and illicit sexual affairs that extend into the realms of corporate and political influence. This investigation threatens to ruin lives, including those of her own family. With the assistance of lead homicide detective Kevin Lutz, her editor Mary Foster, and colleague Simon Olenski, Daisy uncovers a scandalous cover-up with the potential to topple the government.
Views: 108
Director: Jennifer Holness, Sudz Sutherland
Studio: Hungry Eyes Film & Television, Hungry Eyes Media
Creators: Jennifer Holness, Sudz Sutherland
Awards: 2 nominations
TV Status: Ended
45minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 6.5
TMDb: 6.7
Country: Canada
Networks: CBC Television
Starring: Alex Kingston, Elyse Levesque, Hannah Anderson, Hannah Emily Anderson, Lucas Bryant, Lyriq Bent