Shaun the Sheep
In “Shaun the Sheep,” directed by Richard Starzak, the mischievous Shaun decides to take a day off from the routine of farm life, inadvertently causing a series of chaotic events that lead him and his flock to the big city. As they navigate the unfamiliar urban landscape, Shaun and his friends must work together to return safely to their home while avoiding capture.
Views: 100
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids
Director: Richard Starzak
Studio: Aardman
Creators: Alison Snowden, David Fine, Richard Starzak
Awards: Won 2 BAFTA 5 wins & 2 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
7minRelease: 2007
IMDb: 8.2
TMDb: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 8.7
FilmAffinity: 7.1
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: CBBC
Starring: Justin Fletcher