Seven Worlds, One Planet
This visually stunning documentary series, directed by Chadden Hunter, explores the unique characteristics and wildlife of each of Earth’s seven continents. Narrated by the legendary Sir David Attenborough, it provides an in-depth look at the diverse ecosystems and the challenges faced by their inhabitants. The series has been praised for its breathtaking cinematography and educational value. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 47
Genre: Documentary, Family
Director: Chadden Hunter, Emma Napper, Fredi Devas, Giles Badger
Studio: BBC America, BBC Studios Natural History Unit, CCTV, China Media Group, France Télévisions, Tencent Penguin Pictures, ZDF
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 3 wins & 7 nominations total
Starring: David Attenborough