Samurai Champloo
Set in an alternate version of Edo-era Japan, this film follows the journey of three unlikely companions: a brash vagabond, a disciplined ronin, and a spirited young woman. Their paths intertwine as they embark on a quest to find a mysterious samurai who smells of sunflowers. Directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, the movie seamlessly blends traditional samurai action with modern hip-hop culture, creating a unique and captivating experience. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 62
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama
Director: Shin'ichirô Watanabe
Studio: Fuji Television Network, Manglobe, Shimoigusa Champloos
Awards: Top rated TV #195
Starring: Akio Otsuka, Ayako Kawasumi, Eiji Maruyama, Ginpei Sato, Kazuya Nakai, Keiichi Nanba, Kiyoyuki Yanada, Makio Inoue, Otoya Kawano, Takayuki Sugo