Rocko’s Modern Life
In this animated feature directed by Joe Murray, the story follows the quirky and often surreal adventures of an Australian wallaby named Rocko, who navigates the challenges of modern life in the fictional city of O-Town. Alongside his eccentric friends, including Heffer the steer and Filburt the turtle, Rocko encounters a series of humorous and bizarre situations that reflect the absurdities of contemporary society. The film is known for its satirical take on everyday issues and its unique animation style. Notably, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 39
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Kids, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Joe Murray
Studio: Games Animation, Joe Murray Productions Inc., MTV Networks, Nickelodeon Productions
Awards: 2 wins & 4 nominations
TV Status: Ended
12minRelease: 1993
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.4
FilmAffinity: 6.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: Nickelodeon
Starring: Carlos Alazraqui, Charlie Adler, Mr. Lawrence, Tom Kenny