Robot Chicken
Robot Chicken is a comedic television series from the United States, utilizing stop-motion claymation. It was created and is executive produced by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, with Douglas Goldstein and Tom Root serving as co-head writers. Green, in particular, contributes significantly to the voice acting. Before working on this show, Senreich, Goldstein, and Root were writers for ToyFare, a well-regarded magazine for action figure enthusiasts, which has received an Annie Award and three Emmy Awards.
Views: 120
Director: Matthew Senreich, Seth Green
Studio: ShadowMachine, Sony Pictures Digital, Sony Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Television Studios, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, Stoopid Monkey, Williams Street
Creators: Matthew Senreich, Mike Fasolo, Seth Green
Awards: Won 6 Primetime Emmys, 11 wins & 36 nominations total
TV Status: Returning Series
12minRelease: 2005
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
FilmAffinity: 7.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim
Starring: Breckin Meyer, Matthew Senreich, Seth Green