Valley of the Boom
“Rise of the Guardians,” directed by Peter Ramsey, is an animated adventure that brings together iconic childhood figures like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and the Sandman, who must join forces to protect the world’s children from the sinister spirit Pitch Black. The story follows Jack Frost as he discovers his true purpose and the power of belief in a magical battle between hope and fear.
Views: 23
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Matthew Carnahan, Peter Ramsey
Studio: Bluebush Productions, DreamWorks Animation, National Geographic, Polyphony Digital, STXtv
Awards: 8 nominations
TV Status: Ended
43minIMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 72%
Metacritic: 58
FilmAffinity: 5.7
Country: India, United States of America
Networks: National Geographic
Starring: Alec Baldwin, April Lawrence, Bradley Whitford, Chris Pine, Dakota Goyo, Dakota Shapiro, Dominique Grund, Emily Nordwind, George Anthony Anisimow, Georgie Grieve, Hugh Jackman, Isabella Blake-Thomas, Isla Fisher, Jacob Bertrand, John Karna, John Murphy, Jude Law, Kamil McFadden, Khamani Griffin, Lamorne Morris, Oliver Cooper, Olivia Mattingly, Peter Ramsey, Rich Dietl, Ryan Crego, Steve Zahn, Stuart Allan, Will Arnett