Ride Upon the Storm
The narrative revolves around a family deeply rooted in the clergy: Johannes, his wife Elisabeth, and their two sons, August and Christian. Johannes holds a divine-like authority over his children, embodying a figure who provides, loves, and disciplines. His clear preference for August and his disillusionment with Christian drive both sons to make drastic decisions, either in a bid to earn his affection or to liberate themselves from his influence.
Views: 26
Genre: Drama
Director: Adam Price
Studio: ARTE, DR TV, S.A.M. Productions
Awards: 11 wins & 8 nominations
Starring: Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Camilla Lau, Fanny Louise Bernth, Joen Højerslev, Johanne Dal-Lewkovitch, Laura Bro, Maj-Britt Mathiesen, Morten Hee Andersen, Simon Sears, Solbjørg Højfeldt