Rescue Me
“Rescue Me” delves into the lives of the firefighters at a New York City firehouse, specifically the team of 62 Truck. The series explores the brotherly bonds and interactions among these firefighters, highlighting the intense daily experiences they face in life-threatening situations. It also examines how they rely on dark humor as a coping mechanism to shield their genuine feelings.
Views: 29
Genre: Drama
Director: Denis Leary, Peter Tolan
Studio: Apostle, DreamWorks Television, Sony Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Television Studios, The Cloudland Company
Creators: Denis Leary, Peter Tolan
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 8 wins & 28 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2004
IMDb: 8.3
TMDb: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
Metacritic: 85
FilmAffinity: 6.2
Country: United States of America
Networks: FX
Starring: Adam Ferrara, Andrea Roth, Callie Thorne, Daniel Sunjata, Denis Leary, John Scurti, Larenz Tate, Michael Lombardi, Steven Pasquale