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“Pulling” is a comedic television series from the BBC, crafted by Silver River Productions and aired on BBC Three. The show centers around the lives of three single women residing in Penge, located in south-east London. The series was co-created by Sharon Horgan and Dennis Kelly, featuring Sharon Horgan as Donna, Tanya Franks as Karen, Rebekah Staton as Louise, and Cavan Clerkin as Karl. Notably, “Pulling” was the final comedy project developed by Harry Thompson before his passing.

The inaugural season, consisting of six episodes, premiered in 2006 on BBC Three and was later rebroadcast on BBC Two in early 2008. The second season, also comprising six episodes, was shown on BBC Three from March 23 to April 27, 2008, followed by a concluding one-hour special on May 17, 2009. In Australia, the first two seasons were aired consecutively on ABC2 every Thursday at 10 p.m. starting March 5, 2009, although the final special has yet to be broadcast by the network. The series continues to be rerun on UKTV.

In 2007, “Pulling” received a BAFTA nomination for Best Situation Comedy, and in 2008, Sharon Horgan was honored with a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Entertainment Actress. Despite its acclaim, BBC Three announced the cancellation of the series in 2008.

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Views: 100

Genre: Comedy


Creators: , ,

Awards: Nominated for 2 BAFTA 2 wins & 6 nominations total

TV Status: Ended

Duration: 00:30 30min


IMDb: 7.9

175310 1
10 1 20

TMDb: 7.6



Starring: Cavan Clerkin, David Armand, Rebekah Staton, Sharon Horgan, Tanya Franks