Picnic at Hanging Rock
“Picnic at Hanging Rock,” directed by Peter Weir, is a haunting mystery set in 1900, where a group of schoolgirls and their teacher inexplicably vanish during a Valentine’s Day outing to the titular geological formation in Australia. The film explores themes of repression, the unknown, and the impact of the disappearance on the community, leaving audiences with an eerie sense of ambiguity.
Views: 43
Studio: Fremantle Australia, Screen Australia
Creators: Beatrix Christian, Joan Lindsay, Larysa Kondracki, Michael Rymer
Awards: 7 wins & 10 nominations
Starring: Anna McGahan, Harrison Gilbertson, Inez Curro, James Hoare, Lily Sullivan, Lola Bessis, Madeleine Madden, Natalie Dormer, Samara Weaving, Yael Stone