Peter Rabbit
Nickelodeon breathes new life into the beloved literary character Peter Rabbit with its new CGI-animated series aimed at preschoolers. This show offers a modern take on Beatrix Potter’s classic children’s tales featuring Peter Rabbit. The series is designed with educational objectives, helping young viewers develop problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, self-confidence, resilience, a positive outlook, and an appreciation for nature.
Views: 19
Genre: Animation, Family, Kids
Director: David McCamley
Studio: Brown Bag Films, Silvergate Media
Awards: 5 wins & 16 nominations
TV Status: Ended
12minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 5.8
TMDb: 5.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBeebiesNicktoons
Starring: Dan Chambers, Danny Price, Gwenfair Vaughan, Harry Henty, Joshua Colley, Poppy Labrosse, Roger May, Sophia Waterton, Sophie Aldred