Set in the lively neighborhood of Fitzroy in Melbourne, this vibrant drama follows Nina Proudman as she navigates the chaos of her wonderfully complicated family, searches for a meaningful romantic relationship, and grapples with her habit of overanalyzing and escaping into daydreams.
Views: 56
Genre: Drama
Director: Debra Oswald, Imogen Banks, John Edwards
Studio: Southern Star
Creators: Debra Oswald, Imogen Banks, John Edwards
Awards: 12 wins & 38 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2010
IMDb: 8.3
TMDb: 7.1
FilmAffinity: 5.3
Country: Australia
Networks: Network Ten
Starring: Alicia Gardiner, Asher Keddie, Eddie Perfect, Jane Harber, Kat Stewart, Linda Cropper, Richard Davies