Nine Perfect Strangers
In this 2021 film adaptation by David E. Kelley, nine individuals from various walks of life converge at a wellness retreat that promises healing and transformation. As the days unfold, the guests, led by the enigmatic Masha, played by Nicole Kidman, begin to experience unexpected and unsettling changes. The movie delves into themes of trauma, recovery, and the human psyche, all set against a backdrop of mystery and suspense. The ensemble cast, including Melissa McCarthy and Michael Shannon, delivers compelling performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 78
Director: David E. Kelley, John-Henry Butterworth
Studio: Blossom Films, David E. Kelley Productions, Endeavor Content, Made Up Stories
Awards: 3 wins & 12 nominations
Starring: Asher Keddie, Grace Van Patten, Luke Evans, Manny Jacinto, Melissa McCarthy, Melvin Gregg, Michael Shannon, Nicole Kidman, Samara Weaving, Tiffany Boone