Mystery Girls
“Mystery Girls” centers on two ex-stars of a detective TV series who are reunited by an actual mystery. Charlie Contour is now a housewife and mother living in the suburbs, whereas Holly Hamilton yearns for her 1990s television fame. Their routines are upended when Nick, a crime witness and avid fan of the “Mystery Girls,” insists on speaking solely to the famous pair. This forces the once-close friends to come together again and apply their on-screen detective expertise to a real-world case.
Views: 30
Genre: Comedy
Director: Shepard Boucher, Tori Spelling
Studio: Prodco
Creators: Shepard Boucher, Tori Spelling
Awards: 1 nomination
TV Status: Canceled
30minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 4
TMDb: 5.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 69%
Metacritic: 51
FilmAffinity: 3.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: ABC Family
Starring: Jennie Garth, Miguel Pinzon, Tori Spelling