My Secret Romance
A charming South Korean romantic comedy series, this film follows the unexpected reunion of a nutritionist and a chaebol heir who shared a brief, passionate encounter years earlier. Starring Sung Hoon and Song Ji-eun, the story explores themes of love, fate, and personal growth as the characters navigate their complicated feelings and societal expectations. Directed by Kang Cheol-woo, the series is known for its light-hearted humor and engaging chemistry between the leads. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
TV Status: Ended
55minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 7.2
FilmAffinity: 5.8
Country: South Korea
Networks: OCN
Starring: Baek Seung-Heon, Im Do-yoon, Jeong Da-Sol, Kim Jae-young, Kim Jong-goo, Kim Si-young, Lee Hae-in, Nam Gi-ae, Nam Kee-ae, Song Ji-eun, Sung Hoon