My Secret Identity
“My Secret Identity” was a Canadian TV show featuring Jerry O’Connell and Derek McGrath. It first aired on CTV in Canada from October 9, 1988, to May 25, 1991, and was also syndicated in the United States. The series earned the 1989 International Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Programming for Children and Young People.
Views: 20
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family
Director: Brian Levant, Chuck Lorre
Awards: 4 wins & 10 nominations
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 1988
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 6.9
FilmAffinity: 5.6
Country: Canada, United States of America
Networks: CTV
Starring: Christopher Bolton, Derek McGrath, Jerry O'Connell, Marsha Moreau, Wanda Cannon