My Beautiful Bride
In this dramatic narrative, Kim Do Hyung embarks on a frantic quest to find his wife, Yoon Joo Young, who has vanished without a trace. Assisting him in this urgent search is Cha Yoon Mi, the detective assigned to the case.
Views: 119
Creators: Cheol-gyu Kim, Kim Cheol-gyu, Kim Sang-Woo, Sung-yul Yoo, Yoo Sung Yeol
TV Status: Ended
1h 15minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.2
TMDb: 6.1
Country: South Korea
Networks: OCN
Starring: Kim Bo-yeon, Kim Moo-yul, Ko Sung-hee, Lee El, Lee Jae-yong, Lee Seung-yeon, Lee Seung-yun, Lee Si-young, Park Hae-jun, Ryu Seung-su, Son Jong-hak