Murder Among the Mormons
This gripping documentary delves into the shocking events surrounding a series of bombings in Salt Lake City in the 1980s, which shook the Mormon community to its core. Directed by Jared Hess, the film meticulously unravels the mystery behind the attacks and the subsequent investigation, revealing a complex web of deception and intrigue. Featuring interviews with key figures and archival footage, it provides a compelling look at a dark chapter in religious history. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 29
Genre: Crime, Documentary
Director: Jared Hess, Tyler Measom
Studio: BBC Studios
Awards: 2 nominations
Starring: Al Rust, Brent Ashworth, Brent Metcalfe, Dorie Hofmann Olds, George Throckmorton, Gerry D'Elia, Michael George, Richard E. Turley Jr., Rod Decker, William Flynn