Mrs Brown’s Boys
“Mrs. Brown’s Boys” is a celebrated British-Irish sitcom created by Brendan O’Carroll, who also stars in the show. The series is an adaptation of O’Carroll’s stage plays centered around the character Agnes Browne, which were originally derived from his books and direct-to-DVD films. The sitcom follows the life of Agnes, now known simply as “Brown,” and her family, portrayed by O’Carroll’s real-life friends and relatives. Despite initial negative reviews from critics, the show has achieved significant popularity in both Ireland, where it is set, and the United Kingdom, where it is filmed. The third series of the show premiered on December 29, 2012. “Mrs. Brown’s Boys” is a collaborative production involving BBC Scotland, BocPix, and RTÉ.
Views: 41
Director: Brendan O'Carroll
Studio: BBC, BBC Scotland, BBC Studios, Boc-Pix, RTÉ
Awards: Won 1 BAFTA Award, 14 wins & 19 nominations total
TV Status: Returning Series
30minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 7.6
FilmAffinity: 7.3
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: RTÉ One
Starring: Amanda Woods, Brendan O'Carroll, Danny O'Carroll, Dermot O'Neill, Eilish O'Carroll, Fiona Gibney, Fiona O'Carroll, Jennifer Gibney, Paddy Houlihan, Pat "Pepsi" Shields, Pat Shields