Million Yen Women
In this 2017 film directed by Michihito Fujii, the story revolves around a struggling novelist who finds his life turned upside down when five mysterious women move into his home, each paying him a million yen in rent. As he navigates the complexities of their enigmatic lives, he uncovers secrets that challenge his understanding of trust and relationships. The film features a compelling performance by Yojiro Noda, the lead vocalist of the band RADWIMPS, in his acting debut. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Starring: Kaito Yoshimura, Lily Franky, Miwako Wagatsuma, Moeka Hoshi, Rena Matsui, Rena Takeda, Rila Fukushima, Tetsuhiro Ikeda, Tomoya Nakamura, Yojiro Noda, Yuko Araki, Yuya Endo