Mia and Me
In this enchanting fantasy film directed by Gerhard Hahn, a young girl named Mia discovers a magical book that transports her to the mystical world of Centopia. There, she embarks on thrilling adventures alongside unicorns, elves, and other fantastical creatures, all while uncovering secrets about her own past. The movie is notable for its vibrant animation and imaginative storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 24
Genre: Animation, Family, Kids
Director: Gerhard Hahn
Studio: Hahn Film, Hahn Film AG, Lucky Punch, Rainbow, ZDF
TV Status: Returning Series
23minRelease: 2012
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.0
FilmAffinity: 3.8
Networks: KiKaZDFNick Jr.Rai 2
Starring: 王愫稣