Mercy Street
The narrative explores the experiences of two volunteer nurses with differing allegiances during the Civil War: Mary Phinney, an abolitionist from New England, and Emma Green, a supporter of the Confederacy. Drawing from real-life events, the story unfolds in a Union hospital located in the Confederate city of Alexandria under occupation. It offers a glimpse into the lives of Americans away from the battlefield, highlighting the unique challenges they encountered during one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation’s history.
Views: 67
Genre: Drama
Director: David Zabel, Lisa Q. Wolfinger
Studio: Sawbone Films, Scott Free Productions
Creators: David Zabel, Lisa Quijano Wolfinger
Awards: 1 win
Starring: AnnaSophia Robb, Hannah James, Josh Radnor, L. Scott Caldwell, Luke MacFarlane, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, McKinley Belcher III, Norbert Leo Butz, Shalita Grant, Tara Summers