Melrose Place
“Melrose Place” is an American primetime soap opera that was broadcast on Fox from July 8, 1992, to May 24, 1999, spanning seven seasons. The series centers on the experiences of a group of young adults residing in a brownstone apartment building on Melrose Place in Los Angeles, California. Created by Darren Star for Fox, the show was executive produced by Aaron Spelling through his company, Spelling Television. It serves as the second installment in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. Initially, the first two seasons aired on Wednesdays at 9 p.m., following Beverly Hills, 90210. In 1994, the third season debuted with a new time slot on Mondays at 8 p.m.
Throughout its run, the show experienced numerous cast changes, with Thomas Calabro being the sole original cast member to appear in every season. “Melrose Place” received multiple Golden Globe nominations and was ranked #51 on Entertainment Weekly’s list of “New TV Classics.”
Views: 164
Director: Darren Star
Studio: Darren Star Productions, Spelling Television
Creators: Darren Star
Awards: 6 wins & 8 nominations
TV Status: Ended
44minRelease: 1992
IMDb: 6
TMDb: 5.8
Metacritic: 43
FilmAffinity: 4.1
Country: United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Heather Locklear, Jack Wagner, Jamie Luner, John Newton, Josie Bissett, Kelly Rutherford, Rob Estes, Thomas Calabro