Marvel’s Iron Fist
In this 2017 Marvel adaptation, the story follows Danny Rand, a young man who returns to New York City after being presumed dead for 15 years. He aims to reclaim his family’s company and legacy while mastering the mystical power of the Iron Fist. The series stars Finn Jones in the lead role and features a blend of martial arts action and corporate intrigue. Directed by Scott Buck, the show can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 56
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Scott Buck
Studio: ABC Studios, Devilina Productions, Marvel Television
Awards: 2 nominations
TV Status: Canceled
55minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 6.4
TMDb: 6.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 37%
Metacritic: 37
FilmAffinity: 5.2
Country: United States of America
Networks: Netflix
Starring: Alice Eve, Finn Jones, Jessica Henwick, Jessica Stroup, Sacha Dhawan, Tom Pelphrey