“Martin” is an American sitcom created by HBO Independent Productions that was broadcast on Fox for five seasons, from August 27, 1992, to May 1, 1997. The show is named after its lead, actor-comedian Martin Lawrence, and features a supporting cast including Tichina Arnold, Thomas Mikal Ford, Carl Anthony Payne II, and Tisha Campbell.
During the 1990s, as the Fox network gained popularity, “Martin” emerged as one of its top-rated programs throughout its five-season duration. While NBC’s “Must See TV” dominated Thursday nights in the 1990s, Fox attracted a significant African American and Latino audience with its Thursday night lineup, which included “Martin,” “Living Single,” and “New York Undercover.” These three shows were the most-watched series among black households during the 1996–1997 season.
Views: 155
Director: John Bowman, Martin Lawrence, Topper Carew
Studio: HBO Independent Productions
Creators: John Bowman, Martin Lawrence, Topper Carew
Awards: 7 wins & 12 nominations
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 1992
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Metacritic: 6.0
FilmAffinity: 4.0
Country: United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Carl Anthony Payne II, Garrett Morris, Jon Gries, Martin Lawrence, Thomas Mikal Ford, Tichina Arnold, Tisha Campbell