In this 1992 revival of the 1960s BBC drama series, based on Georges Simenon’s novels, Michael Gambon stars as the titular detective from the Sûreté. Maigret is a perceptive investigator who solves cases by observing and listening closely, familiarizing himself with each suspect until someone makes a mistake or eventually confesses.
Views: 21
Director: Georges Simenon
Studio: Granada Television
Creators: Bill Gallagher, James Cellan Jones, John Glenister, Robin Chapman
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 1992
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 6.9
FilmAffinity: 6.3
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: ITV1
Starring: Geoffrey Hutchings, Jack Galloway, James Larkin, Michael Gambon