Love Child
“Love Child” explores the experiences of the staff at the imaginary Kings Cross Hospital and the vibrant Darlinghurst streets during the 1960s. Joan Miller, an intelligent and refined midwife, comes back from London to work at Kings Cross Hospital. Dr. Patrick McNaughton, the charming leader of the obstetrics department, also works there. Frances Bolton, the formidable matron, oversees both the hospital and Stanton House, a residence for unmarried pregnant young women.
Views: 72
Genre: Drama
Director: Sarah Lambert
Studio: Playmaker Media
Creators: Sarah Lambert
Awards: 5 wins & 20 nominations
TV Status: Ended
48minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 5.3
Country: Australia
Networks: Nine Network
Starring: Andrew Ryan, Darcie Irwin-Simpson, Jessica Marais, Mandy McElhinney, Miranda Tapsell