Walk the Prank
In this 2009 documentary directed by Emma Cooper, renowned journalist Louis Theroux delves into the lives of convicted sex offenders housed in a specialized facility in California. The film provides a stark and unflinching look at the complex issues surrounding rehabilitation and societal reintegration of these individuals. Theroux’s empathetic yet probing approach offers viewers a nuanced perspective on a deeply controversial subject. This thought-provoking documentary can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 31
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, Family, Reality
Director: Adam Small, Emma Cooper, Trevor Moore
Studio: Horizon Productions
Awards: 8 nominations
TV Status: Canceled
30minIMDb: 4.1
TMDb: 6.8
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Networks: Disney XD
Starring: Brandon Severs, Bryce Gheisar, Cody Veith, Jillian Shea Spaeder, Louis Theroux, Tobie Windham