Lost Ollie
In this heartwarming 2022 film directed by Shannon Tindle, audiences are taken on an emotional journey as a lost toy embarks on an epic quest to reunite with the boy who lost him. Featuring the voices of notable stars such as Jonathan Groff and Mary J. Blige, the movie beautifully blends live-action and animation to create a visually stunning experience. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its touching narrative and impressive visual effects have been widely praised. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 32
Genre: Animation, Drama, Family
Director: Shannon Tindle
Studio: 21 Laps Entertainment, Fufufufu Entertainment, Industrial Light & Magic
Awards: 5 wins & 6 nominations
Starring: Gina Rodriguez, Jake Johnson, Jonathan Groff, Kesler Talbot, Mary J. Blige, Tim Blake Nelson