“Limitless,” inspired by the original film, continues the story from where the movie concluded. It follows Brian Sinclair as he uncovers the potential of the enigmatic drug NZT. Under pressure, he uses his newly acquired, drug-enhanced skills to assist the FBI in solving cases on a weekly basis.
Views: 75
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Craig Sweeny
Studio: CBS Studios, K/O Paper Products, Relativity Media, Relativity Television
Creators: Craig Sweeny
Awards: Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy, 1 nomination total
TV Status: Canceled
45minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 58%
Metacritic: 57
FilmAffinity: 6.0
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBS
Starring: Blair Brown, Bradley Cooper, Desmond Harrington, Hill Harper, Jake McDorman, Jennifer Carpenter, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael James Shaw, Ron Rifkin, Tom Degnan